Rhodes Engineering Overview
Rhodes Engineering, located in Pleasanton, CA, near San Francisco is owned and operated by Dr. Mark A. Rhodes. Established in 1992, Rhodes Engineering provides engineering consulting services. While we specialize in electrical matters, many cases involve a multidisciplinary approach. It is not uncommon for our analysis to include aspects of physics, mechanical engineering, material science, and human factors. Most of our clients are attorneys with open litigations related to incidents that resulted in property damage, injury, or death. We also work with insurance adjusters interested in evaluating claims with technical engineering aspects that are pre-litigation. A third dimension of our clientele involves patents disputes and related aspects of Intellectual Property.
Case types we handle
Shocks, arcs, electrical injury, and electrocution
involving injuries and property damage from electrical shocks and arcs
are one of our core areas of expertise. It is no mystery that people can
be injured or killed by electric shock. However, in actual shock
incidents, the exact cause and nature of the shock is often complex and
not obvious. Sometimes, there is no shock. Rather, the person involved
is injured by radiant heat from an arc. Whatever, the situation, Rhodes
Engineering will sort out the exact cause and nature of the injury or
damage in your case.
Wildland and Forest Fires (Electrical causation)
While wildland and forest fires have many causes, two common causes are electrical in nature: lightning and power utility equipment. Rhodes Engineering has worked on numerous forest fire cases involving downed power lines, exploding transformers, and other electrical causes. CAL Fire and the US Department of Justice are two of our major clients in this area.
Injuries involving equipment and machinery including: cranes, scissor lifts, man lifts, hoists, electric doors, and gates
Industrial equipment control and power systems
Electrical fires and explosions in structures
Electric power systems (transformers, switch-gear, power distribution)
High voltage
Excessive power consumption
Electrical interference (EMI, RFI)
Lasers, fiber optics, microfluidics, microwaves, radar, plasma, high-vacuum
Patents and intellectual property
Supporting litigation and insurance claims
please see www.hvpulsedpower.com for technical consulting including EMI, RFI, grounding and shielding, plasma physics, and pulsed power
Search Engine Keywords
Electrical expert witness, electronic expert witness, electrical expert, electronic expert, electronic forensic engineer, electrical forensic engineer, California electrical expert, northern California electrical expert, engineering expert witness, electric shock, electrical shock, electric shock expert, Taser shock, industrial controls experts, man lift expert, elevator expert, scissor lift expert, California professional engineer, forensic engineering, laser expert, vacuum expert, plasma expert, pulsed power, high voltage shock, high voltage expert, electrocution, electrocution expert, electrocution expert witness, EMI, electromagnetic interference, electrical interference, Taser, Tasers, Stun gun, Stun guns